Monday, October 05, 2009
Kanelbullar på Kanelbullens dag
スウェーデンを代表するおやつといえば、Kanelbullar. どこのパン屋でも、カフェでも、コンビにでも、スーパーでも、必ずKanelbulleが置いてあります。Kanelはシナモン、bullarは菓子パンのことで、日本ではシナモンロールといわれているものです。映画の“かもめ食堂”で取り上げられていたので今では知る人も多いはず。コーヒーと一緒に食べるのが一般的です。アメリカ式はアイシングのトッピングがあるのが一般的ですが、スウェーデンではパールシュガーという大粒の砂糖を振り掛けています。
さてさて、今日10月4日はKanelbullen日。平日にあたると、カフェやスーパーでたくさんのKanelbullarが売れるらしいのですが、今年は日曜日にあたってしまったのでお店としては残念なのではないでしょうか。去年はすっかり忘れしまって悔しい思いをしましたが、今年はThe Fishが覚えていてくれました。(私は忘れていました)日曜日ということもあるし、久しぶりに家で焼いて見ました。
Sweets (Swedish)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Smögåstårta efter dopet
カトリックでは女性は牧師にはなれませんが、プロテスタントなら問題ないそうです。The Fishの小学校の同級生でも、牧師になった女性がいるそうです。
式が終わると教会の敷地内にある施設でちょっとしたパーティが開かれます。写真のケーキは "Smögåstårta" (スモェールゴストルタ)と言って、ランチタイムのお祝いの席には頻繁にでてきます。たとえば誕生日や学位審査の後など。Smögåsはサンドイッチ、Tårtaはケーキを意味していて、直訳すると”サンドイッチケーキ”ですね。おいしいけれど、残念ながら日本人の私にはクリーミー過ぎてたくさん食べられません。
Foods (Swedish)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Salmon meunière with mushroom sauce
鮭のムニエル 和風きのこソース
One week ago, The Fish got information from Roby.
“You can buy salmon very cheeply at the new ICA MAXI!!”
Of course he went and bought it. We usually buy salmon when it’s nice price and put in the freezer. Then we can eat Sushi, Nabe and meunière etc. whenever we want.
Yesterday, we had quite heavy dinner with a “French” theme with our friends. So we wanted to have Japanese food today. This salmon meunière is a French/Japanese mixed menu. Put salt and pepper on the salmon pieces and let it be for a while. (You can wash the rice and make the Miso soup while waiting.) Remove water from the salmon pieces and dip them into flour.
Bake the salmon with a little oil (raps oil is recommended) in a frying pan and serve on a plate. Using the same pan, fry some mushrooms and add Dashi stock, Mirin, soy sauce. If you prefer the sauce little viscous, add potato flower with water. Serve with fried salmon.
This dish does not contain any butter and lemon like “real” French meunière dose. But Dashi stock and soy sauce has a very nice and rich taste. It’s also very quick too make. We eat this dish as normal daily food.
By the way, Yesterday’s French dinner was very nice. The fish went to France last week for work, and he brought nice French foods and wine.
Start with French sausage (It’s NOT salami, it’s “_____” ), Foie gras with Daikon (rättika) as a starter, Boeuf bourguignon for Main course. After cheeze, we had Macarons for desert.
Here is a recipe for Boeuf bourguignon.
DN. Mat & Dryck Boeuf bourguignon(in Swedish)
Boeuf bourguignon with Kobe beef is here.
ビーフ・ブルゴーニュ cooked by The Fish Dec. 14,2005
You can see a picter of “Foie gras Daikon” at a restaurant in Tokyo.
フランス産鴨のフォアグラのポワレ ~ トリュフのソース大根のキャラメリゼ Oct. 24, 2005
Have a nice week!
One week ago, The Fish got information from Roby.
“You can buy salmon very cheeply at the new ICA MAXI!!”
Of course he went and bought it. We usually buy salmon when it’s nice price and put in the freezer. Then we can eat Sushi, Nabe and meunière etc. whenever we want.
Yesterday, we had quite heavy dinner with a “French” theme with our friends. So we wanted to have Japanese food today. This salmon meunière is a French/Japanese mixed menu. Put salt and pepper on the salmon pieces and let it be for a while. (You can wash the rice and make the Miso soup while waiting.) Remove water from the salmon pieces and dip them into flour.
Bake the salmon with a little oil (raps oil is recommended) in a frying pan and serve on a plate. Using the same pan, fry some mushrooms and add Dashi stock, Mirin, soy sauce. If you prefer the sauce little viscous, add potato flower with water. Serve with fried salmon.
This dish does not contain any butter and lemon like “real” French meunière dose. But Dashi stock and soy sauce has a very nice and rich taste. It’s also very quick too make. We eat this dish as normal daily food.
By the way, Yesterday’s French dinner was very nice. The fish went to France last week for work, and he brought nice French foods and wine.
Start with French sausage (It’s NOT salami, it’s “_____” ), Foie gras with Daikon (rättika) as a starter, Boeuf bourguignon for Main course. After cheeze, we had Macarons for desert.
Here is a recipe for Boeuf bourguignon.
DN. Mat & Dryck Boeuf bourguignon(in Swedish)
Boeuf bourguignon with Kobe beef is here.
ビーフ・ブルゴーニュ cooked by The Fish Dec. 14,2005
You can see a picter of “Foie gras Daikon” at a restaurant in Tokyo.
フランス産鴨のフォアグラのポワレ ~ トリュフのソース大根のキャラメリゼ Oct. 24, 2005
Have a nice week!
Foods (Japanese),
Friday, September 25, 2009
Grattis på 95 årsdagen!!!
今日はThe Fishのおばあちゃんの95歳の誕生日でした。そんなわけで、家族みんなで休暇を取り、おばあちゃんの町に行ってきました。旦那さんが亡くなってからも生まれ育った町で1人暮らしを続けていたおばあちゃん。数年前にアパートを売って、近くの老人ホームに入居しています。
Sweets (Swedish),
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
こちらはThe Fishの誕生日のごはん。
Foods (Japanese),
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Rice with Ostronskivling
キノコの炊き込みご飯(Kinoko no Takikomi-gohan)
Hej, Friends! It’s such a long time ago since I met you here. Now I am gradually coming back to normal life again. During my sick time, I gained 15 kg! Now, it is time to think about healthy food and exercise.
Autumn is one of the best seasons for food lovers. I made simple rice with Ostronskivling today. Smells fantastic (almost like butter!) and tastes very nice.
Here is the recipe.
250g Ostronskivling
400 ml Japanese Rice (or you can use gröt rice)
450 ml Water
3 Tsp Sake
2 Tsp Japanese soy souse
One peace of Konbu (if you don’t have it, you can skip it)
1. wash rice 3 or 4 times with water and let it rest in a basket.
2. cleave or cut mushrooms in small piece and boil together with Sake and Japanese soy souse.
3. put rice, water, boiled mushrooms (with soce) tighter in a thick pan and finally Konbu, then turn on the heat. (middle to high temperature)
4. once it’s start to boil (you can see strong steam from pan), turn down the heat to the smallest fire (or “no 2” with electric oven) and keep it boiling slowly 10 min.
5. after 10 minutes, turn of the heat.
6. wait 10 minutes with out opening the lid.
7. finally orpen the read and take out the Konbu (if you have) and mix it like cutting. (don’t destroy the rice)
Don’t open the lid during boiling and lesting.
Please enjoy!
Hej, Friends! It’s such a long time ago since I met you here. Now I am gradually coming back to normal life again. During my sick time, I gained 15 kg! Now, it is time to think about healthy food and exercise.
Autumn is one of the best seasons for food lovers. I made simple rice with Ostronskivling today. Smells fantastic (almost like butter!) and tastes very nice.
Here is the recipe.
250g Ostronskivling
400 ml Japanese Rice (or you can use gröt rice)
450 ml Water
3 Tsp Sake
2 Tsp Japanese soy souse
One peace of Konbu (if you don’t have it, you can skip it)
1. wash rice 3 or 4 times with water and let it rest in a basket.
2. cleave or cut mushrooms in small piece and boil together with Sake and Japanese soy souse.
3. put rice, water, boiled mushrooms (with soce) tighter in a thick pan and finally Konbu, then turn on the heat. (middle to high temperature)
4. once it’s start to boil (you can see strong steam from pan), turn down the heat to the smallest fire (or “no 2” with electric oven) and keep it boiling slowly 10 min.
5. after 10 minutes, turn of the heat.
6. wait 10 minutes with out opening the lid.
7. finally orpen the read and take out the Konbu (if you have) and mix it like cutting. (don’t destroy the rice)
Don’t open the lid during boiling and lesting.
Please enjoy!
Friday, September 11, 2009
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