鮭のムニエル 和風きのこソース

One week ago, The Fish got information from Roby.
“You can buy salmon very cheeply at the new ICA MAXI!!”
Of course he went and bought it. We usually buy salmon when it’s nice price and put in the freezer. Then we can eat Sushi, Nabe and meunière etc. whenever we want.
Yesterday, we had quite heavy dinner with a “French” theme with our friends. So we wanted to have Japanese food today. This salmon meunière is a French/Japanese mixed menu. Put salt and pepper on the salmon pieces and let it be for a while. (You can wash the rice and make the Miso soup while waiting.) Remove water from the salmon pieces and dip them into flour.
Bake the salmon with a little oil (raps oil is recommended) in a frying pan and serve on a plate. Using the same pan, fry some mushrooms and add Dashi stock, Mirin, soy sauce. If you prefer the sauce little viscous, add potato flower with water. Serve with fried salmon.

This dish does not contain any butter and lemon like “real” French meunière dose. But Dashi stock and soy sauce has a very nice and rich taste. It’s also very quick too make. We eat this dish as normal daily food.

By the way, Yesterday’s French dinner was very nice. The fish went to France last week for work, and he brought nice French foods and wine.
Start with French sausage (It’s NOT salami, it’s “_____” ), Foie gras with Daikon (rättika) as a starter, Boeuf bourguignon for Main course. After cheeze, we had Macarons for desert.
Here is a recipe for Boeuf bourguignon.
DN. Mat & Dryck Boeuf bourguignon(in Swedish)
Boeuf bourguignon with Kobe beef is here.
ビーフ・ブルゴーニュ cooked by The Fish Dec. 14,2005You can see a picter of “Foie gras Daikon” at a restaurant in Tokyo.
フランス産鴨のフォアグラのポワレ ~ トリュフのソース大根のキャラメリゼ Oct. 24, 2005Have a nice week!