Before I started to cook “real fish” (not already cut, or a frozen one), I thought it is very difficult and takes time to cook. As for every thing you cook for the first time, cooking fresh real fish is not as difficult as you imagined.
What you need to cook the fish is
Tools: a Wok pan or some other wide pan and a sharp knife.
Ingredients: Fresh fish, Purjolök, ruccola,
Sauce: Sesame oil, Soy sauce, Sake, Gräslök, garlic, Ginger, Chilli,
You can buy daily fresh white fish like Grouper or Gös. Pink fish like RÖding is very nice as well. You can ask in the shop which fish is nice at the particular season. If you ask them to remove the skin and take out the stomach of the fish at the market, it is easier to cook at home. Just before you cook the fish, you make some cuts on both sides of the fish to increase the heat transfer into the fish.
Before you start to heat the wok pan, let’s make the sauce. Mix a little bit more than 1/2 a cup of soy sauce and 2 table spoons of Sake. Add chopped Gräslök, garlic, JGinger and Chilli. After that, start to warm up the wok pan with sesame oil. You should use quite a lot of oil (like half to 1 cup) for the nice taste. After some minutes, a wonderful smell will come from the warm pan, that is the smell of the sesame oil. Put the fish in the pan and fry it about 10 minutes.
Pour hot sesame oil on the fish from time to time during you fry, then you can cook the top side of the fish also without turning the fish. After that, you add the sauce which you already prepared and put a lid on. Even if you did not fry it perfectly, you steam the fish at this time.
When the fish is finished, add Purjolök, ruccola, coriander etc and serve it. Fresh lemon juice will also be nice together with this dish.
The fish is very nice together with white rice. The combination of the juice from the fish and the rice is wonderful. Please don’t put any soy sauce on the rice, but use this sauce instead.
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